Human Rights Policy

GPSC Group has written and published a Human Rights Policy that complies with the provisions of Thai and international laws as well as other related regulations that include the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) and the International Labour Organization (ILO) Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work. The company expects all executives and employees to uphold and strictly comply with the policy.

Human rights management approach
GRI 103-2
Human Rights Policy
GPSC's 5 Steps towards Human Rights Due Diligence
  1. The company announced its human rights policy through its information system.
  2. Human rights risk and impact assessments have been conducted at the national level on operational industrial plants and at the personal level.
  3. Integration of Assessment Results and Management: The assessment results are taken into account for future human rights risk management planning based on PTT Group's sustainability management framework, the security, safety, occupational health and environment management system, and Community Development & Community Relations Manual, in order to minimize and prevent impacts.
  4. Monitoring and reporting performance: The company has set monitoring periods and assessed performance based on plan types to make sure that the management process has been implemented effectively and the operational performance and management results have been disclosed openly among all stakeholders.
  5. Correction and remediation of impacts through a complaint mechanism. When the GPSC group can indicate that the GPSC group cause or contribute to negative human rights impacts GPSC Group should be corrected or participate in correction through a legitimate process. By establishing or participating in the establishment of a complaint mechanism for stakeholders who may be adversely affected by their activities.
Human Rights Policy Communication

GPSC group has used the PTT Group Human Rights Management System as the guideline for human rights management, implemented the UN guiding principle Human Rights Due Diligence, and informed to all executives and employees of the human rights policy via e-mail. There is also a human rights training plan for GPSC employees.

The Company continuously assesses human rights risk assessment at the corporate level, covering the entire area of business operations in the Company, as well as evaluating business partners annually to effectively establish management practices in risky areas.

The Company has assessed human rights risks within the Company since 2018 to identify, prevent and reduce the impact of human rights risks in the Company's operations across the value chain. This risk assessment covers activities at the national level, industry groups, and operational areas where the Company operates, as well as identifying related human rights issues. Impact assessment in vulnerable groups such as women, people with disabilities, the elderly, children, indigenous, migrants, transgender (LGBTQ+) and national assessments of potential impacts. The human rights risk assessment criteria are conducted based on two factors: chances and impacts, covering all six areas of human rights: labor rights, community rights, supply chain, security, environment, and consumer rights.

Based on the results of the human rights risk assessment, The Company has established measures to control and mitigate potential impacts and assess the remaining risks. (Residual Risks) After establishing human rights prevention and correction guidelines in the Company's business operations to ensure the management of human rights of the Company is effective in controlling impacts throughout the value chain.

The Company conducts human rights risk assessments at the corporate level covering groups of third parties who may be involved in or affected by the Company's activities to identify the potential human rights impact on stakeholders from within and outside the organization.

To support human rights complaints The Company has channels to receive and manage complaints from all stakeholders including internal channels for employees, such as welfare committees, employee feedback boxes, etc., and channels for external parties such as the Company's website, telephone, fax, and letter, etc. In 2022, no complaints of human rights violations were found on all issues or practices that were inconsistent with human rights law.

Human Rights Risk and Impact Assessment Methodology

The human rights impact depends on its scale, scope, and limits on the ability to restore those affected to a situation at least the same as their situation before the adverse impact.

Impact Level Description of Impacts
1. Critical
  • Human rights impacts affect a larger scale of population groups beyond the scope of operational areas
  • GPSC group is unable to control or mitigate human rights impacts to restore the ability of an individual to enjoy his or her human rights
  • Impacts / Situations of human rights abuses require the involvement of independent, trusted expert advice from outside to aid GPSC group in mediating issues
2. Major
  • GPSC group operation is knowingly providing practical assistance or encouragement that has a substantial effect on the commission of human rights violation (Legal Complicity)
  • Human rights impacts were caused by the GPSC group's operations or value chain, impacting stakeholders in operational areas
  • GPSC group has human rights-related conflicts with Vulnerable Group such as women, children and youth, foreign workers, permanent and temporary workers, disabled groups, etc.
3. Moderate
  • Operation is knowingly providing practical assistance or encouragement that has a substantial effect on the commission of human rights violation (Legal Complicity)
  • Human rights impacts were caused by the Company's operations or value chain, impacting stakeholders in operational areas
  • The Company has human rights-related conflicts with Vulnerable Group
4. Minor
  • Potential human rights impacts raised by internal or external stakeholders are resolved/prevented, using the GPSC group's effective grievance mechanisms.
Likelihood Level Description of Likelihood
1. Likely (>25%)
  • The event has occurred in the operation several times per year (>25%)
2. Possible (10-25%)
  • The event occurred in the operation several times (10-25%)
3. Unlikely (1-10%)
  • The event occurred in the operation several times (10-25%)
4. Rare (1-10%)
  • The event occurred in the operation several times (10-25%)

Percentage of operating areas subject to human rights risks and important human rights issues related to GPSC's business operations

GPSC assesses risks in order to formulate 100% human rights impacts for all business units and operations areas.

Number of Sites with Mitigation Plans

Based on the high-level human rights risk assessment, the results were summarized as follows:

Human Right Risk Issues Vulnerable Group Percentage of areas assessed in the past 3 years (2021 -2022) Percentage of areas having a potential on high human rights risk Percentage of risks with management plan and process in place Mitigation measures for areas with risks
GPSC group 's Own Operations
  • Labor Right Risks
  • Community Right Risks
  • Supply Chain Risks
  • Environment al Risks
  • Security and Safety Risks
  • Customer and Consumers' Right Risks
  • Woman group
  • Children and youth group
  • Foreign labor group
  • Permanent and temporary workers group
  • Disabled group
  • Supplier and Contractor group
  • Customer group
  • Partner group
  • Community and Society group
100 0 100
  • Operate according to the management system of the GPSC group such as safety supervision guidelines Occupational health and environment of business partners Guidelines on the supervision of the Group group etc.
  • Business and Human Rights Awareness and Training
  • Improvement of human resources policy and employment practices against discrimination
Contractors and Tier 1 Suppliers
  • Safety and Occupational Health
  • Employment and working environment
  • Community Rights
  • Environment
  • Woman groupChildren and youth groupForeign labor group
  • Disabled group
  • Supplier and Contractor group
  • Community and Society group
100 0 100
  • Employees' Individual Development Plan
  • Collect data and statistics of occupational safety
  • Provide information on updated status of all fire extinguishers
  • Set goals of energy consumption reduction, and GHG emission reduction
  • Monthly record of the use of water, electricity, and fuels
  • Provide first-aid supplies
GPSC group joint venture operations area
  • Community rights
  • Supply chain
  • Environment
  • Woman group
  • Children and youth group
  • Foreign labor group
  • Permanent and temporary workers group
  • Disabled group
  • Supplier and Contractor group
  • Customer group
  • Partner group
  • Community and Society group
100 0 100
  • Implementation of GPSC Group's management systems
GPSC Group Human Rights Assessment Report 2021 - 2022
Updated as of February 2021

The above content is prepared in accordance with the sustainability reporting standards by the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI Standards), which is validated by external parties and provides a limited level of assurance of reporting information (Limited Assurance).