Roadmap to Success
GRI 3-3

Approaches to Business Ethics and Anti-Corruption are as follows:

  • Corporate Governance Policy and Manual and Code of Conduct
  • Anti-Fraud and Corruption Policy
  • Compliance Policy
  • Whistleblowing and Complaints Handling Policy
  • Corporate Procedure: Compliance Process
  • Asset Management, Confidentiality, and Proper Use of the Company’s Data Policies
  • Anti-money Laundering and Anti-terrorist Financing Policies
Compliance Oversight
GRI 2-24, 2-27

The Corporate and Legal Compliance Unit is a division under the Company Secretary and Corporate Governance Department and operates in accordance with the Corporate Procedure: Compliance Process. The unit is responsible for compiling and keeping track of laws relevant to GSPC’s business operations and reviewing relevance and compliance in order to ensure all personnel strictly comply with applicable laws and regulations. The unit oversees annual audits and reports any inconsistencies detected to the President and Chief Executive Officer of the unit for acknowledgment so that they can establish rectification measures and timeframes suitable for the risk level. In addition, all audit results and rectification outcomes are reported to executives and board of directors for acknowledgment and oversight. The procedure applies to all personnel, and any non-compliance or ensuing damage will result in disciplinary action in accordance with GPSC group’s regulations.

Currently, the Corporate and Legal Compliance Unit uses a compliance monitoring system (CMS) to ensure legal and regulatory compliance. All laws and regulations applicable to GPSC are registered in CMS, along with the details and processes that must be carried out in accordance with such laws and regulations. Through CMS, the Corporate and Legal Compliance Unit checks with relevant units and ensures compliance with relevant laws and regulations.

In 2022, GPSC continued to take action regarding compliance with the Personal Data Protection Act B.E. 2019 (PDPA). The Corporate and Legal Compliance Unit conducted a PDPA compliance review within all relevant units. It was found that GPSC operated in full compliance with the law and sought consent from data owners in all data processing activities where consent was required.

In addition, the Corporate and Legal Compliance Unit has communicated an approach to personal data management in accordance with PDPA to its employees through e-learning.

Corporate Governance & Code of Conduct of GPSC operations

All the Company's personnel are obliged to operate in accordance with the guidelines in the Corporate Governance Manual and Code of Conduct under the supervision of the Corporate Governance Manual and Code of Conduct under the supervision of the Corporate Governance Committee. In order to ensure sustainability in accordance with the Company's good corporate governance principles, which are equivalent to international practices, the Company promotes and cultivates a culture of ethical business practices by designating it as one of the corporate values and integrity, by promoting it through activities and channels regularly. The Company has designated the Board of Directors, Executives, and all employees to sign the acknowledgment of GPSC's Guide to Good Corporate Governance and Business Ethics. In addition, the Company has prepared a report revealing the Company's conflicts of interest, in which its personnel is obliged to report conflicts of interest at least once a year and report every time in case of change, which is specified in the Code of Conduct on Conflicts of Interest and Interest in order to ensure that the Company's business operations are transparent and fair.

All employees are required to comply with the company code of conduct, as such compliance is part of performance appraisal that link with consideration of employee remuneration. GPSC’s employee performance appraisal systems integrates with compliance system and codes of conduct through the Measuring Employee Performance represented by Performance Management System (PMS) as shown below:

In order for the operation of the Company, its subsidiaries, and associates to be effective in accordance with laws, rules, and regulations. The Company's Good Corporate Governance Policy and Code of Conduct for Conducting the Company's Business In a transparent, fair, and auditable manner. The Company has issued a policy of complaints and protection (Whistleblowing and Complaints Handling Policy) and announced the process for receiving complaints and providing protection to complainants and related parties, along with mechanisms for monitoring and auditing in order to prevent risks and damages that may occur to all stakeholders. This includes providing protection to those who make whistleblowers or complain in good faith and provides the disciplinary action for those are the non-compliance.

As a result of the disciplinary actions with respect to any actions that do not comply with the policy, whether directly or indirectly, will receive disciplinary consideration in accordance with regulations set by GPSC (zero tolerance policy) or punishable by law. Penalties for non-compliance personnel also include termination of employment.


The Company adheres to business operations and management with integrity, transparency, and fairness. Responsible for society and all stakeholders in accordance with the Principles of Good Corporate Governance and Business Ethics, the Company does not accept all forms of corruption directly or indirectly by clearly declaring its intentions. The Company has signed a joint signing of the Thai Private Sector Collective Action against Corruption (CAC) coalition project since 2018. Moreover, the Company has established the Anti-Fraud and Corruption Policy and anti-corruption policy regarding receiving and offering gifts, raising or other benefits or No Gift Policy to assign to the Company's personnel to strictly adhere to the policy. The Company and GLOW have prepared an assessment form on anti-corruption measures that have been audited by external agencies. The Company has been certified and received a certificate from CAC in the third quarter of 2020. In E-learning format

Additionally, the compliance system of GPSC has been certified/audited/verified by third party (KPMG Phoomchai Audit Ltd.) with conducting the evaluation procedures for the accuracy of the Company’s Business Principles for Countering Bribery. The tool in evaluating is so-called Self-Evaluation Tool (SET), which comprises self-evaluation questionnaire, performing comparison of the aforesaid reference materials to the core indicators in SET, enquiring and discussing with the GPSC’s coordination team, and developing the report to submit to the CAC. These procedures had conducted together with the core indicators in each particular point i.e. the principles, development of the programme for countering bribery, specific forms of bribery, and programme implementation requirement.

For more information on CAC membership, please visit:

Whistleblowing Process and Whistleblower Protection

GRI 2-25, 2-26, 2-27

To ensure that the operation of GPSC as well as its subsidiaries and associates is efficient, compliant with laws, regulations, requirements, the corporate governance policy, and the code of conduct, and is guided by transparency, fairness, and accountability, GPSC has formulated a Whistleblowing and Complaints Handling Policy and announced the process for handling complaints and protecting whistleblowers and relevant parties, along with mechanisms for monitoring and investigating complaints in order to prevent risks and potential damage to all stakeholders and protect whistleblowers submitting reports in good faith.

In this regard, GPSC Group has dedicated the whistleblowing channel to report any GPSC employees who violate the company’s code of conduct through help desk, Focal point, Hotline, and website as follows:

  • Mail Address : attention to recipient as specified
  • Address : Global Power Synergy Public Company Limited 555/2 Energy Complex Building B, 5th Floor, Vibhavadi-Rangsit Road, Chatuchak Sub-district,
  • Chatuchak District, Bangkok 10900
  • E-mail Address :
  • Website :
  • In person : Recipient as specified
  • Telephone : 02-140-4600, contact recipient as specified

In 2022, GPSC received no complaint related to non-compliance with the code of conduct through its whistleblowing channels. In addition, the Corporate and Legal Compliance Unit carried out training on the matter for all new employees in orientations

Promotion and Education of Code of Conduct and Anti-Fraud and Corruption Efforts

GRI 2-15, 2-26, 205-2

GPSC carried out activities to educate employees and promote their awareness of the code of conduct as well as anti-fraud and corruption efforts in a practical and tangible manner. In 2022, the following activities were conducted.

Orientation activities for new employees were organized to foster knowledge and understanding of good corporate governance principles, the code of conduct, and anti-fraud and corruption efforts.

Dissemination of GPSC’s code of conduct and best practices among personnel was carried out through in-house communication channels on the following topics:

  1. Respect for the law and human rights principles
  2. Political rights and political neutrality

In addition, the Corporate and Legal Compliance Unit carried out training on the matter for employees through e-learning.

PTT Group CG Day 2022 was held on November 23, 2022 under the concept of “Together verse - CG Power for Sustainability & Beyond” to underline that every division of PTT Group formed a vital force that drove the organization forward on the basis of corporate governance towards growth and its established goals in a sustainable manner.

GPSC CG Month was held to raise awareness of corporate governance among GPSC personnel. At part of the activity, the Tone at the Top was conveyed through the dissemination of CG Management Quotes on corporate governance principles and how to apply them to work during the period from November to December.

Controlled self-assessment was carried out on all the 15 components of the code of conduct in relevant units. It was found that GPSC had adequate and suitable processes and control in place to promote compliance with the code of conduct in business operations.

The No-Gift Policy was publicized among GPSC personnel and external parties.

Updated as of May 2023

The content above is based on sustainability reporting standards by The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI Standards) and externally validated and verified for accuracy of the reporting data at "Limited Assurance" level.